My 2cents on AI and dev jobs

I’ve been playing around with AI lately, building small scripts and using AI to help me do things like retrieving weather data or the current time for a given city. This is called function calling, and it’s a great way to expand on the already great capabilities of these tools out of the box.

Basically what you do is to provide the language model (I tried with ChatGPT) a prompt and a list of function names that can be called when needed.

As an example, a prompt could be:

You are a smart calculator. The user will ask you to add or subtract. You must call the correct function.

And then proceed to inform the model about the available functions in your code, sum() and subtract(), that it should use depending on its best judgement

Well, unsurprisingly, and depending on your prompt, the correct function will be called, which I find pretty amazing.

Now, this made me think about the thesis saying dev jobs will disappear due to AI.

Playing with it and its capabilities led me to a different point of view.
While the pessimistic outcome is possible, I now feel that due to the increased capabilities and possibilities, the number of dev jobs might actually increase.

I can easily imagine a future where we have many more products than today, they would be much more personalized and built by small companies.
They would have a niche user base, still enough for a small company to be profitable.

What do you think? One can dream

(credit for the fast learning on the topic goes to this excellent and quick Udemy course)

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